My motto has always been to "love the food that will love you back." I believe in eating real food and avoiding artificial sweeteners and other fake ingredients.
If you've found a diet that works for you, I wish you continued health and happiness. I'm not here to say right or wrong — I'm just sharing what's worked for me.
My Story (and philosophy)
My passion for healthy eating began over four decades ago when I noticed my first teenage blemish. Yes, my significant life change was all due to a pimple! I stopped eating junk food and focused on nuts, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, eggs, and fish. After a while, I felt great, loved what I was eating — and my skin was glowing!
So, what can you do to improve your eating habits? Should you be vegan, is Keto calling, or is Paleo the way to go? Well, the answer is there is no definitive answer! Diet (as in what we eat—not a temporary fix) isn't a "one size fits all" program. What works for one person may leave someone else feeling ghastly.
The key is to eat what you enjoy —in its healthiest form. Eat a piece of fruit instead of drinking fruit juice (which is missing essential fiber), and look for 100% whole grains (including wheat, brown rice, oats, and quinoa.) Egg yolks contain many nutrients (including hard-to-find vitamin D), so you'll miss out if you don't eat the whole egg.
All vegetables are good for you, so eat the ones you like. Don't worry about what's a "superfood" right now — it will be different tomorrow!
If you're looking for a healthy lifestyle that's stood the test of time, I'd recommend going Mediterranean. I love that no food group has been excluded. Here are some general guidelines
Focus on vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, legumes, and whole grains.
Add in moderate amounts of fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy.
Use olive oil (or avocado oil) for cooking or as the base for sauces and dips.
Have red meat (preferably grass-fed) occasionally.
A glass of wine with dinner is okay, too. (This is for those who already enjoy this. Only add if you already drink!)
This is more than a diet. It's a lifestyle where meals are unhurried and satisfying. And don't be afraid to treat yourself to the foods you love. Self-denial will only make you crave something more. Just remember, a taste can be as good as a splurge!
My motto has always been to "love the food that will love you back." If you've found a diet that works for you, I wish you continued health and happiness. I'm not here to say what's right or wrong. I'm just sharing what has worked for me.
You can read more on my blog, "Go the Mediterranean Way,"